A few years ago we switched our business banking & expense tracking to Found, and it’s made tax season way less stressful by making it “easy” to track, document, and estimate everything throughout the year, so that come tax season we don’t have to go line by line through every card swipe of the year scratching our head’s asking, “what it was actually spent on?”
Since we started using Stan Store (admittedly causally) we’ve brought in $901 in income. If you read our initial blog post about Stan Store we weren’t selling anything at that point but we had specific plans for three ways we intended to make money using Stan Store. Here’s the breakdown of what we’ve earned so far. I’m going to give you a look at how our 3 plans played out next.
By Lyndon Update April 25, 2023: Follow up blog What We’ve Earned Using Stan Store I’d be willing to bet money that you have gone to someone’s profile on Instagram or TikTok just to follow the links found in their bio. This has basically become the industry standard at this point. A quick google search […]
Last week on the blog we took a look at how we’ve overhauled our business finance process of managing finances at Jo&Co. In that blog post I outlined what led us to alter our processes, move away from Quickbooks, and change banks – enter: Found Bank. I mentioned that at some point I would write […]
Lyndon and I just got back from a trip to Montana and its my new favorite place on earth. Montana completely stole my heart and made me want to stay forever. I legitimately did not want to leave the day we were scheduled to head back home. As soon as you leave the airport you’re […]
If you didn’t see Part 1 of my trip to South Africa, you can do so here! And if you did see it, welcome back! Part 2 is filled with a few more adventures…to start off with – bungee jumping! No, I didn’t bungee jump. But, we did watch a couple of people in our […]
I LOVE South Africa. The people are wonderful, the landscape is majestic, and the temperature is warm. We spent two weeks in March traveling parts of South Africa, and it was absolutely amazing. But, I’m going to let the pictures speak for themselves – Right after we landed in Johannesburg, we ate breakfast at one of […]
I’ve always loved traveling. There’s so many places on my bucket list that I’d like to visit, and in March I was able to visit a couple of those places. We went to South Africa for a couple of weeks (look out for that blog post tomorrow), and on our way there we stopped in […]