Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California






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Building a brand is one of the best ways to build loyalty and connect with your target audience. Your brand is what hooks people in and keeps them paying attention.

How do you build an unforgettable brand?

There are a few key ways. Let’s chat about them:

Start with how you want people to feel:

When we talk about branding, often the first thing that comes to mind is your branding “elements” (ie: logos, colors, fonts, etc.). However, your brand actually starts with how others feel when they find your content.

How do you want others to feel when they find your content?

Inspired? Included? At peace? Fired up?

Depending on how you want your target audience to feel when they come across your content, will depend on the colors you use, your fonts, and more.

For example, if you want people to feel “home-y” and welcome when they come across your content then you will likely use warm tones in your color palette.

On the flipside, if you want people to feel challenged and fired up, you might use edgier elements or orange/red/yellow tones.

Define Your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar):

Who’s your dream client? Create a brief description that breaks down any geographical details (age, location, occupation, etc.) and personality details (are they outgoing or a homebody? What’s their love language? Are they easily overwhelmed or do they like a challenge?).

Other questions to ask yourself:

  • What are their desires?
  • What are they interested in? (ie: working out, reading, brunch)
  • What are their goals?
  • What are mindset blocks they’re dealing with?
  • What challenges are they facing right now?

Better yet, if you’ve worked with your dream client already – ask them the questions above! That will be SO HELPFUL when it comes to creating your content.

You can use your dream clients’ language from the answers you get, when you write your captions and create copy for your website. What’s amazing about this is you’ll be speaking directly to more of your target audience – addressing their pain points and positioning yourself as an expert with the solutions.

Create Your Content Pillars:

A simple definition of your content pillars = its basically 3-5 topics that you can talk about often & rotate through consistently.

For example, here are our content pillars:

1. Branding photography
2. Branding tips + strategy
3. Travel
4. Working together as a married couple
5. Mindset

Notice how each topic is specific, however there’s also SO MUCH you could talk about within each category? That’s the entire point of having content pillars! 

Let’s take “Branding tips + strategy” for example. We could share a ton of topics within this category, such as:

– Choosing your “brand identifiers” (and why they matter)
– How to create consistent and on brand content
– Why optimizing your Instagram account is important

& a bucket-load of other ideas.

It makes things so much easier when you’re creating content for your Instagram!

𝗞𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱: its absolutely okay if your content pillars evolve as your business shifts and grows over time. These aren’t meant to stay set in stone forever!

If you’re not sure where to start when you’re creating your content pillars, ask yourself: What am I an expert in? What could I talk about forever? What am I interested in?

Those questions will get the ball rolling!

Have 3-5 Brand Identifiers:

            Your brand identifiers are small things that you enjoy day-to-day, that you can share with your audience! For example, if you like croissants share croissants. 

Its a super small and simple way of connecting with your people.

Choose 3-5 brand identifiers that you can share about consistently and often! For us, those look like:

  • Croissants (🥐🤩)
  • Hot Baths
  • Kombucha out of champagne glasses
  • Starbucks (or any coffee, really) 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Books, books, books 😅

To name a few!

The reason this is so important is because it gives you a connection point (you have something in common). When someone sees that you love to watch Emily in Paris, they bond with you over the plot lines. That leads to a budding relationship which builds trust – both of which set the foundation for a happy & healthy working relationship down the road. 

Show up consistently

Now that you have some strategies under your belt, its key to start showing up consistently! You may not feel like you’re getting results at first, but I promise you people are paying attention. On average it takes about 7-12 times before it resonates and 12-22 times before they make a move. So keep showing up!

Want more guidance on building an unforgettable brand? Check out our coaching collections here. We have three different options depending on how much support you’re looking for. We’d love to work with you!!

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We're Jo & Lyndon

Content Creators, Coaches & Educators for Branding Photographers